Midlife & Tired of YO-YO DIETING?
Ladies, DITCH DIETS - Learn About
INSPIRED LIFE - Holistic Weight Release
Weight Release
Ditch DIET CULTURE and Experience a Transformative, Whole-Person Approach to Releasing Weight Permanently
from the Inside Out - the same way I released 88 lbs at age 58!
Transformational (Nonfiction) Writing
Nonfiction Writers
Coaching Group
Design Services
Marketing Materials
Book Covers
Web Pages
Online Courses
A Bi-weekly Supportive Space to get your Transformational
/Inspirational Book Out of Your Head and Into the Hands of Your Readers
Live Online Video Meetings Bi-Weekly
Accountability & Support Between Sessions
Verna Lee Bowen
Life Coach
& Transformational

Personal Empowerment for Weight Transformation is Possible
We are more capable than we realize. Why, then, do we suffocate our dreams, fall prey to addiction, fail to implement what we learn with all the education we acquire, and then shame ourselves for our imperfections?
Change begins with switching the narrative, the repetitive thinking patterns that tell us it's just the way I am. Transformation happens when we dare to examine our thinking about what is possible for us, and then take bold action in favor of our goals. Weight is released permanently released, not by merely forcing ourselves to eat more greens and never have a cookie, but by empowering our inner world. When we learn to embrace a sustainable new way of thinking and BEING, weight begins to lose it's grip from the inside out, and we enjoy a more wholehearted, purpose-driven existence.
WEIGHT RELEASE IS POSSIBLE for you, as it has been for me.
Where to Begin
To set the wheel in motion, it is important to ask ourselves the following foundational questions that relate to the first two PILLARS in my 8 Pillars for INSPIRED Holistic Weight Release:
INTENTION. What do I want? What do I really want to do, achieve, overcome, transform, or optimize in my life?
How important is it to me?
Our next steps will spring forth from our honest answers to those three questions.
When I released 88 lbs from my 4' 10" frame, I learned firsthand the true meaning of an inside out approach. I had been researching and learning about the power of the conscious and subconscious mind since my late teens, but learning doesn't solidify until we actually test and apply what we learn. Permanently weight change begins when we change our thinking and inner dialogue. Countless others have done it, and you can too.
Are you ready for change?