Verna's Weight Release
"I am forever grateful for Verna and this group, for all the knowledge & sharing, for the growth & wisdom that we are gaining on this new journey. I am grateful & thrilled to report that today the scale was down another 0.8 lbs for a total of 10.2 lbs in 4 weeks! The difference in my clothes is very noticeable for me. I am finding myself already starting to become my own coach. Without a doubt, I now know that you have to do the internal work before you can expect to see any lasting external changes. My goal is to continue mindful eating and to reach 12 lbs down by the time we return to our Nov group. Thank you, Verna for believing in me. And thanks to your guidance & direction…I now believe in me…and I am doing this!" - Debbie C., NL, Canada
"I have been doing these events with you since January. I keep coming back because each and every time we do one I learn so much more and I delve deeper into the process of becoming a healthier, happier me.
I knew that this was going to be an internal processing to figure out how to make lasting change in my life. I didn’t want yet another diet. I wanted to become the internal me that I feel is buried underneath all these layers I carry on my body. With Verna's caring and inspiration I feel I am on a journey that will help me recover me." - Sherry Prince Tobin, ON, Canada
"Hello friends. Are you tired of being tired? Want to release some weight before Christmas? I just finished a 4 week program with Verna Bowen. I have released 7 pounds this past month. I love her style and her dedication to her clients. She herself has released 86+ pounds. Verna, you have given us a lot of value! Thank you." - Kathleen S., BC, Canada
"I am so happy I came across the Weight Release Challenge hosted by Verna. It was exactly the kind of support and motivation I needed. Thanks to this heart centered offering and community I find myself connected to my long term vision of what changes I want to bring about and how I can do this by implementing the steps I identified and want to commit to. I love Verna's holistic approach helping me to broaden my own horizon when it comes to Weight Release, the simple reframing of releasing rather than losing was what I needed to set myself up for the journey I am on. Thank you so much Verna, it has been such a pleasure working with you." - Alexandra Io Riederich, Germany
"This was my first session in Verna's Weight Release Challenge. The support I've felt from all the other participants has been amazing. Verna is a very good coach. I noticed that my weight challenges aren't really weight challenges at all, but other challenges that cause me to eat! Who would have thought! This is a great experience for sure." - Sarita, BC, Canada
"Joining Verna's Weight Release Challenge was a very positive move for me. Verna has inspired and motivated me to live a much healthier life, to be mindful of what I'm eating and doing, to get my "I should haves" done and to de-clutter my life. Thank you Verna for being so supportive and positive. I feel rejuvenated and I would highly recommend you to anyone who may need positivity in their life." - Maureen Greening, NL, Canada
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Insights & Inspiration
The journey of healing from obesity has moments of catharsis because you are not just shedding physical weight and volume; you are releasing all the "emotional weight" that had you overweight in the first place.
Expect to come face-to-face with emotions you previously stuffed with food.
Expect surprises - a greater ability to bounce back with more enthusiasm every single time you have a low day!
Expect the unexpected - permanent, inside-out transformation!
Expect to learn that the occasional void you feel is actually the eggshell cracking open to your happiest self.
Expect the temptation to give in and give up
Expect mindful, inspired momentum, via peer and coach support
Expect to lovingly learn how to not return to the old, self-sabotaging habits.
I promised myself on November 28, 2021 that I would do it.
For the first time, I would take it all the way, with a slow, consistent, holistic, whole-person approach. I would be mindful of how I'm thinking, feeling, and responding to life. I would do this prayerfully, meditatively, slowly, consistently, and as self-loving as I could possibly do it.
And that is precisely what I have done.
And there are surprises!
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And so, I share this experience for two reasons:
First, I am fascinated by discoveries and new observations, and therefore I love to express them.
Secondly, anything that I discover to be true and noteworthy on my life journey, I want others to benefit from it too.
This journey has felt surreal. I am grateful for my determination, will, and stamina, and, of course, proud of my efforts. BUT, I have had moments along the way that have KICKED MY ASS big-time, and it was NOT expected. The feelings have been shrouded in silent, inner statements to self that go something like these:
- I can't do this, not all the way. It's just not ME.
- It's pointless because I will gain all the weight back.
- I don't even feel like I have shed any weight at all. I don't feel any different, like I thought I would.
These feelings, so I have painfully discovered, are rooted in one truth that hits us like a brick in the face. I don't care how much you thought you knew it would be this way (as I knew too) when you realize it in real-time REALITY, it feels odd. It is this:
No matter if you are obese, a little chubby, medium, or thin ... you will ALWAYS be YOU, and you will always FEEL like YOU!
We become obese from not liking that SELF that we are and/or from the way people have treated us. Something about ourselves or the world feels unkind to us, and we know what it's like to not feel protected, validated, seen, or heard.
That something inside craves (and needs) acknowledgement, support, and healing, but when we find no access to any of that we reach for extra food, fatty food, or high-sugar food because, just like alcohol to an alcoholic, it gives us temporary reprieve from emotional pain - the deep inner wounds that we feel cannot be healed.
So, when you make honest attempts to shed years of a LOT of fat from your body by suddenly ACTING DIFFERENTLY - by responding to life in new, healthier ways, at some point you WILL come face-to-face with yourself and all the things that caused you to repetitively partake in unnecessary eating in the first place.
For me it has been anxiety, and that shocks me to even realize it!
It's the "I will never be good enough" image.
It's the "Who do you think you are to become beautiful?" - that old self-image from childhood.
It's every drop and drip of negativity, challenges, hardship, and poor self-image from decades ago.
It was the inner self-talk that played over and over like, for example, "Who am I to write this book?" (Hence, during the writing of my FIRST book, back in 2011, I gained about 25 lbs!)
We can PARTIALLY heal from a lot of things, but that healing is mostly about MANAGING them instead. We get by. We listen to all the crap advice that says, "Be STRONG!" and "Just be POSITIVE"
And so, we try.
We go to work, raise our kids, behave ourselves, be a friend, do kind deeds, take care of all our worldly responsibilities, all while doing our best to smile and, yes, BE STRONG.
Then when we find ourselves 100 lbs overweight and addicted to food (or something else) and we decide to change, ALL OF IT comes to the surface.
Deal First with the Weight that is On the Inside
If we do not deal with inner weight, any physical weight we lose won't mean a thing to us. We will automatically gain it back because that is what makes the most sense to us.
I welcome you to step up to a new level of being. I am sticking to my promise from two years ago, to do this ALL THE WAY to completion, not only for the sake of living in a slim body. (Hey, I have known countless slim people who were an emotional wreck). But I will complete it for the sake of OVERCOMING what is hard to overcome, to face what is real, and give it room to "speak and be heard," so that life is more buoyant and empowered in all regards.
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Healing is happening with every single act of listening within.
Healing is happening when we express unashamedly.
Healing CANNOT happen when we hide and pretend.
I LOVE how Brene Brown puts it:
"If you put shame in a Petri dish, it needs three things to grow exponentially: secrecy, silence and judgment."
Thankfully, she shares a more hopeful truth as well:
"If you put the same amount of shame in a Petri dish and douse it with empathy, it can’t survive,"
Shed obesity by dousing every part of you (especially your inner world) with empathy. You're going to need to do that.
I was COMMITTED - committed to discovering and generating BREAKTHROUGH in this one area of my life!
I am committed to the same for YOU!
If you have struggled with obesity, I am here to support you all the way to FREEDOM.
I will be an open book about all the details and steps to get you there - the ones that helped me - because I want you to experience the same transformation. The diet industry banks on our weakness, and that needs to end NOW.
We can be GENUINELY strong, from the inside out. Click the button below to learn about my Holistic Weight Release coaching, and book a FREE consultation session.

Empowerment Coach & Transformational Author